A Bad Experiment
I had to cover “in emergency” a date of the musical Notre-Dame de Paris and found myself “unarmed” (no camera available whatsoever), so I have been forced to fall back on my mobile. While, at the end of the day and with great difficulty, I have been able to shoot something vaguely useful, this experience blew away any possible plan to use a mobile’s camera to handle an assignment. Simply put, mobile’s cameras suck, unless you go for (very)close or cheap shots. This should have been pretty obvious without the need of looking for hard evidence. Nevertheless, out of necessity, I have been able to test and learn on my…
The Hacker and the Photographer
Antonio Onorato
Franco Cerri. The Last Jazz Living Legend
Ninety year’s old and still grooving!
Safe Living (?)
The Ubiquitous Mobile
Vasa’s Ghost
A Special Dress for a Special Party
Strolling in Stockholm
Outside the Nobel Museum
Under The Bridge
Thank to its architecture, Stockholm is a very good place to shoot modern pictures. ストックホルムは現代の写真を撮るには良い場所です
A Different Passion…
If soccer is – to many – a religion, a supporter may well be a martyr. This picture is iconic of the multiple feeling that a team inspires to its fans: love, passion and pain.
Do dangerous things safely. 安全に危険なものを行います
Frames for Sale at Via Margutta
The BatFire
A butterfly with wings of fire. 火の翼を持つ蝶
Hard Stare
Bad day, or much too bright the sunlight? 付いてない日 又は あまりにも多くの日光
What Could I Do?
Don’t be afraid to do a mistake, but fear its consequences… 失敗を恐れていません でも 結果を恐れて
Why the hell do people attend a live show, when wasting time on their mobile? 人々がコンサートに行きます でも時間を失います携帯電話を使用して、 音楽を聴きません
Alex Britti – Live@Cinema teatro Massimo – Pescara
Another concert, another reportage. これらは マキシム劇場のペスカーラでアレックス Brittiのコンサートの写真です, ローマで ブルースと ポップの 音楽家です.
Daniele Silvestri – Live@Cinema teatro Massimo – Pescara
Be Canon, Nikon or whatever, when the assignment is demanding, there is no substitute for a DSLR. I kept taking with me a Fuji (mainly, an X-E2 with the 18-55 and sometimes an X100s) as a wide-angle camera. The results are very good but, in a scenario like a theater, can’t possibly match the versatility of a 5D Mk III with the mighty Canon EF 100-400. Enjoy the pictures!
A Sound Engineer