
  • B&W,  Daily photo,  Handball,  Sport,  Spring,  Technique

    How to Shoot an Handball Match with a Film Camera

    Shooting an handball match between Italy and France, unfortunately with an unhappy ending for my Country, was an opportunity to bring back to life the rugged Canon Eos 1V, the mighty fifty and a roll of a (unexpired) Kodak Tri-X 400. When I shoot sports and, in general, events where shutter noise is not an issue, I made a point, indeed, to always carry a film camera, so this time it was Canon’s turn. Shooting handball matches is quite challenging for a number of reasons. The first thing to stick in mind is that the ball is everything: if you miss it, the shot is more often than not a…

  • Colour,  Daily photo,  Handball,  Sport,  Spring

    How to Shoot Handball Matches

    Photographing handball matches presents an array of challenges, requiring a high level of expertise, quick reflexes and a deep understanding of the sport’s dynamics. Central to the art of capturing these fast-paced events is the fundamental principle that the ball is the focal point of every shot. Failing to capture the ball likely produces a picture lacking relevance and impact. The presence of the ball not only indicates the focal point of the action, but also gives the image a sense of purpose and narrative coherence. Handball’s court is a hive of activity where players are constantly jostling for position, trying to break through defensive barriers or thwart an advancing…