Time Runs Fast
The Hamlet’s Dilemma
Between Two Sets
An Unplausable Perspective
There is something odd in this photo, isnt’it?
Protected: Black&White
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
The Eye
Another example of the constant brain’s meaning quest in the things the eye sees.
National Security
A danger for the National Security? This picture is nothing special, but for the fact that while I was taking it a security guard at the European Parliament tried to stop me on the “National Security” excuse, by claiming that photos were not allowed. Minding the lesson of “Stand your ground” I countered politely the requests of the guard, by telling him: – First: shooting in public spaces is perfectly legal, – Second: there where no “no-photos allowed” signs, – Third: “I am a lawyer and a journalist. I checked both EU and Belgian Law and find nothing that could prevent me to do what I am doing. Could you…
A Silohuette on the Bridge
An Inside Irongate
Inside and old building, in the heart of Rome.
Small Talk
Hard Worker
Just a soccer field… Part 3
Just a soccer field… Part 2
Just a Soccer Field… Part 1
Just a soccer field… the only place where freedom lasts, but just for the time of a match.
The Google Experiment
The usual note: I don’t write about gear. But this time I want to do an experiment inspired by the consequences of having the post about Street Photography and Italian Law bounced by Adam Marelli and Luminous-Landscape. Since these two websites channeled my post around the world, the access to (other parts too of) my blog – mostly unknown, previously – steady increased. I’m far from saying that I’ve reached an “audience”, nevertheless this blog is gaining its space among the zillions of pictures that live on the Internet. And it is “quality” space, meaning that visitors (you’re always welcome, folks!) find something of interest by looking at my pictures…
Good Idea
… bad execution. The shot would have been acceptable if the head of the fisherman had the sky as a background instead of the bow.
Rest on the Docks
W Verdi
Carabinieri in Milan
Milan’s downtown it’s not the most dangerous place out there, nevertheless is always nice to see the Carabinieri walking around…
Slow Walk at Mulberry St.
Late Night Arrival at Bertinoro’s Castle
Hopefully the janitor is still awake…