Room 17
Unlucky number for an unlucky day
Legal Apartheid
YANE – Yet Another Nepal Exhibit
This the poster of Yet Another Nepal Exhibit. It is hard to see the point in going to the other end of the world to take pictures that, as a Google Image Search shows, have already been shot zillions of time. In other words: taking original photos in Nepal is very hard. This teach a simple lesson: going overseas in the belief that the place makes the photo is wrong.
The Street Photographer Dilemma: Film or Digital
To me Street-Photography is digital. I missed this shot because I wasn’t able to properly focus my full-manual kit, as I would have do with an average digital camera. There is no point in wasting film in an highly fault-rate activity such as Street Photography.
From Camera to Print…
This is what happens when a shot is not taken thinking of its final destination (or when a graphic editor doesn’t consider what the outcome would be once printed): a poor rendition.
Dress Different
According to the fashion-photography standards this is a perfectly usable shot. To me, that’s simply a missed photo.
Sharp Shooter
A Lonely Table
A Casual Walk
The True Ironman
Out-of-Focus Once Again
Last Wing Down
Run Like Hell, Pinocchio!
Phone Call – 2
Phone Call – 1
Inside an Old Gym
Walking in the Rain
Between Sea and Sky
John De Leo’s Grande Abarasse Orchestra – Live
This is a reportage I did during a concert of the John De Leo’s Grande Abarasse Orchestra.