It’s cold. But for a while, better stay outside.
It’s always the right time
… to light a cigar.
Alive or not?
… only the cigarette can tell.
The Ghost
at noon…
A lighter
…left for somebody to come, or hidden by someone who just left?
Hard work
… while the others have fun.
Shooting the Shooter…
The Headdresser
… just in case you need it!
guess who is the most involved? … the chair, of course!
The Businessman…
Restless, waiting for the last flight to come back home.
Kudos to Ricoh
I lost the external plastic ring covering the electronic contacts of my Ricoh GR Digital III. After an unsuccessful quest around the Net to find a spare part, as last hope (or desperate move) I sent a mail to Ricoh customer support asking where to find a replacement. To my enormous surprise, they answered fast and, since the part is not for sale as such, they offered to send it nevertheless. THIS is customer care. Kudos to you, Ricoh. You gained a customer and a supporter.
Who dares…
… wins (for the non-English speakers, the sign says: “Danger: crossing, jumping, trespassing forbidden”)
In a hurry, while somebody else is late…
Generation after generation, the passion for the photography always lasts.
Panoramio’s 200th photo
This is the 200th photo that has been accepted by Panoramio for Google Hearth.
Busy (again)
A perfect match
…between the newspaper and the reader!
An outdoor theatre?
… no, just two friends debating vigorously.
The Odd Couple
… what the heck is he doing?
A missed pricetag?
… maybe he’s not for sale.
A book…
… lost on the pavement of the docks
Tough Enough
A winter, sunny day in Rome, Tough men never freeze.
Quis custodies
…ipsos custodes?