Behind the Beer
Behind the beer’s sockets, a barman discretely fulfills the order placed by his clients.
Christmas Time at Covent Garden
Christmas is coming and people enjoy the spirit of the upcoming holiday.
A Curious Bystander
Rue de la Regence, at night. A fast pace calls the attention of a bystander.
Late Afternoon Workers
At Place de la Monnaie, in Bruxelles, late-afternoon workers look their life go by, while the rest of the world, enjoy the fun.
A Bookstore in the Gallery
Rue de la Madeleine. One of the many bookstores in Bruxelles that keep the culture of bookreading alive
Waiting to Go Home
The gate is still close, a long wait before boarding, is easier to bear when seated comfortably.
Shopping in Bruxelles
Early afternoon in Bruxelles, The best moment to go shopping.
The Seagull’s Rest
A Winter Outdoor Chat
Bad weather doesn’t stop old school’s guys. How many youngsters are though enough?
After the Party
‘Round Midnight. The party’s gone. It’s time to clean the mess. Tomorrow, the square comes back to its dull life.
An urgent phone call?
Using a tele (200 mm) allowed me to take the picture but the long focal didn’t separate the planes as a 50 mm would. Truth is that – in these condition – I would hardly have been close enough to obtain the visual effect I was looking for, but the alternative was not to take the shot at all.
The 365th Shot: Between Sacred and Profane
“Between the Sacred and Profane” is the 365th picture that I’ve posted on this blog and it is the end of a one-year project where I made a point of publishing one picture per day. When, exactly 356 days ago, I decided to start I couldn’t imagine what would have been happened. I became deeply involved into exploring different genres and styles, covering big live events for a music magazine, cinema and arts awards ceremonies, street-photography, portraits, photojournalism and sport events. I went in for a couple of contests and started giving (for free, as I promised) seminars about the rights of the (street)photographers. Of course I don’t do photography…
The Floating Relic
When the Rubbish Basket is full…
The AfterTide
After the tide, the river comes back to normality, while the boatmen account for the damages
Saving the Boat
The tide is coming, and a sailor works hard to protect his boat.
Multiple Meaning
We do see, in a picture, what we want to see. While the vast majority would focus on the dynamics between the shooter with the hoodie and the man with spectacles, those familiar with the inner circle of photography in Pescara will immediately spot, behind the man, Mrs. Franca Cauti, the Big Boss at Ohmasa Foto Video…
A HDR Experiment
This is my first – and possibly, last – attempt of using HDR to post-process my pictures. Unless I’m able to get a more creative outcome, there is no reason to have pictures that look deadly similar to those of the other users of Nik Software Collection (as I am:))
Parking Lot
Something wrong, over there?
So What?
Does anybody come to help me?
The Sinking Giant
Well, a tree, actually, but the praying hands suggestion is way too strong to be unnoticed
St. Peter in Background
St. Peter and Castel S. Angelo as seen from the fourth floor of the Corte di cassazione (Italian Supreme Court.)
Remainders in Prati
No need to spend huge money, to have a good read.
The Straycat
Alterness becomes second nature, for those who live on the streets.