Selling Italian Ice in Boston
Sales culture is one of the most distinctive traits of American anthropology. The foundations of modern marketing strategies date back to forerunners such as P.T. Barnum’s ‘have a little something for everybody’ slogan and Edward Bernays, the father of public relations. It is ingrained in popular culture phenomena such as garage sales, lemonade stands ran by kids and jokes about used cars salesmen. Sales culture is also paired with customer (not consumer) culture, as in the ubiquitous mantra ‘customer is king’, which ‘shapes’ people’s attitudes in terms of demanding fairness and a proper ‘bang for the bucks’. – Initially published on When it comes to selling, creativity knows no…
From Waltham to Boston
‘From Waltham to Boston’, an offshoot of a bigger project on documenting Boston’s pulse, is now available on Amazon as a Kindle e-book.
Three Lamposts
Street Magic@Nagoya Castle
Pizza Maker@Ueno’s Park
Run Like Hell, Pinocchio!
Avid Readers
Blow Up
Orange Scarf
The Seagull And The Sentinel
Free Shoes
Free Ride
The Wild Bunch
When We Were Kids
Rest under a tree
Resting under a tree, on a sunny afternoon, in springtime.