Last Check Before The Show
The Crew’s Rest
An Attentive Listener
The Soul Of Politics
The Lost Church
God of the Sea or Restaurant Banner?
The Shooter’s Dilemma
The Street Photographer Rights In Italy. The Leaflet
Here is an easy-to-carry A4 leaflet to be used in case you are confronted by a law enforcement agent of officer that question your Street Photography activity. Legal issues apart, please remember to always be polite and to help the officer not to look goofy or ignorant (as he actually would) in front of the public. Q. Does taking people’s photography in public spaces infringes sec. 615 bis of the criminal code? A. NO. Under the Corte di cassazione ruling n. 47165/2010 outdoor there is no reasonable privacy expectation, as there is no reasonable privacy expectation in case of tacit – while non equivocal – withdrawal of this right, as…
Just Another Times Square View
Memories from the past…
A Dragon Trainer?
Mulberry Street, When Benito II Was Still There…
Line Of Fire
Mind The Gap!
Arriba El Mexico!
Proud to be a native American!
A Bubble In The New York Sky
Hey Dad, look at the big bubble in the sky!
Just A Bird
Just A Cat
The Spanish Sense of Flesh – 2
Nightlife in Bruxelles
The Spanish Sense of Flesh – 1