Colour,  Daily photo,  Handball,  Sport,  Spring

How to Shoot Handball Matches

Photographing handball matches presents an array of challenges, requiring a high level of expertise, quick reflexes and a deep understanding of the sport’s dynamics. Central to the art of capturing these fast-paced events is the fundamental principle that the ball is the focal point of every shot. Failing to capture the ball likely produces a picture lacking relevance and impact. The presence of the ball not only indicates the focal point of the action, but also gives the image a sense of purpose and narrative coherence.

Handball’s court is a hive of activity where players are constantly jostling for position, trying to break through defensive barriers or thwart an advancing attacker.

This creates a chaotic visual field that poses significant challenges to achieving a balanced and aesthetically pleasing composition. It is essential being able to make split-second decisions about where to focus and when to capture the action.

The ability to react instantly to change is crucial. Indeed, much like the gunfights in classic Western movies, handball matches are punctuated by an attacker breaking through the defence to face the goalkeeper. The photographer should be able to anticipate this moment and foresee how the scene might unfold in fractions of a second.

As per the choice of lens, a 50mm lens may be sufficient in many circumstances – especially if the photographer know the sport fairly well. A (moderately) fast telephoto lens such as the 70-200mm provides the range and speed to freeze the action from the other side of the court.