You can be alone, even in the middle of a crowd.
Late. Again. As ever…
Yet Another Dawn
Yet Another Dawn Picture. There is a snobbish attitude among “real-photographer” (those tough guys that know all about cameras, lenses, optics, chemistry, physics, hardware, software, journalism, fine-art, landscape, portrait and, finally, Leica – and that barely shot a frame or two once at year) that photo like this one shouldn’t be taken at all. If you need an exposure of a dawn – I’ve read on a website whose link I’ve lost – you’d better go to Google image. I disagree for two reasons: first: shooting is a personal need. If somebody feels like exposing a dawn, a sunset or whatever banal… well that’s matter to him and is none…
When dogs (like that) start yelling at you with no apparent reason, becoming a bum starts being an option…
Waiting for the match…
A young soccer player is waiting for the train that will lead him to join his team. The match is going to start soon.
The Argument
A fierce debate in a sunny winter day.
Different Paths
Different paths in a rainy day. A cross that never happened.
Footprints in the Snow
Footprints in the snow. A lonely path toward a journey in the mountains.
A solitary journey
A man just comes back from a solitary journey into the snow. He’s already missing the peace of the mountains.
The Waiting
A light rain covers a lonely car. A women, inside, is waiting for somebody that might never come.
My first shot (with purpose)
This is the very first shot I did with the purpose of “taking a photo”. I didn’t actually know how to control the camera. So, instead of spend my time reading the manual, I decided to try the camera into the wild. Learn-by-doing has always been tough in the world of pictures since the cost (in both, time and money) of improving eye and technique was huge (countless wasted rolls, month spent waiting for the negatives to come back from the lab…) Going digital eases the process of understanding how to shoot properly, but admittedly with a huge price to pay: way too much “photographer” around the world…
People. So you wanna be a street-photographer, kid?
Landscape is another project-in-progress. I’m not a landscape shooter, nevertheless it always worth to explore different perspectives before choosing the preferred one. Here are all the pictures hosted by Photoshop.com
Parallels & Diagonals
Parallels&Diagonals is a project that focuses on the different ways in which lines cross themselves. All the shots are available on my Photoshop.com space.
My camera’s early test shots
Pictures with no specific “intent”. Just went to the docks and clicked around, to get an early feel of how does the camera work. Results: mixed feelings.
Has street-photography a limit?
Chasing the captain is a series of shots made in Venice (Italy) by Yanick Delafoge, a very good street-photographer whose website I visit almost daily. Chasing the captain is accompanied by an explanation of the circumstances that led to the shots and based on the assumption that the subject was, indeed, a Navy Officer. Thus, the whole mood of the comment was inspired by the suggestion coming from a soldier that crosses the calles’ of Venice. There is a small problem, though: the man portrayed in the photo is a chief petty officer – Capo di prima classe (you can guess it by the three-striped patch on is shoulder) and…
A new camera and the quest for the missed information
Convinced by the hype raised by the review of a well known camera review website I purchased a bridge camera (the brand doesn’t matter), just to be surprised and disappointed at the same time. The surprise came out when I discovered that the this camera comes – as standard – with a lens hood, does mount filters and has a remote trigger socket. None of these very important issues were addressed in the review I went through seeking advice and that, as always, focused on image quality, body and functionality, sensor performance etc. etc. Another “non significant” issue has been casually set apart by this review: the 12Mpixel resolution on…