5 (random) frames of Bruxelles with a MIR-1B, a Pentax ME Super and a Kodak TMax400
The late hours of a day are dangerous times, because this is when the mind, lacking tasks, begins to look for a way to keep itself busy. To make a long story short, this is why, against what the common sense would have suggested, I decided to take a stroll in a (very) cold winter evening along and around Avenue Louise in Bruxelles to test a MIR-1B 37/2.8 mounted on a TMAX 400 loaded Pentax ME Super with an M42 adapter. Initially published on As much as this is not a ‘field test’, I was unfair to the lens because I used it in challenging conditions, starting with the…
Iphone 15 Billboard in Via XX Settembre
This is an attempt to exploit the limitations of an orthocromatic film. Shadows and highlights were deliberately pushed, as was the contrast.
A Virtual Glance Dance
The essence of this photo is all in the glances of the protagonists. The man looks at the woman, the woman looks at the luxury car. The essence of this photo is all in the glances of the protagonists. The man looks at the woman, and the woman looks at the luxury car. It is this subtle game of glances that tells a story and turns the photography from a casual picture into something worth seeing. Once again, it is not relevant whether the people portrayed are actually involved in the “glance dance”, as what matters is the image to convey the meaning created by the overall result. This confirms…
A Waiter in via Sardegna
The Pulse Of The Town
Out Of Focus, Once More
Waiting For The Bus On Las Ramblas
Arriba El Mexico!
Proud to be a native American!
Las Ramblas’ Lifestyle
Who cares about pickpockets?
Shopping in Bruxelles
Early afternoon in Bruxelles, The best moment to go shopping.
Reminiscenses From The Past
Lost in memories, while the world turns.