Does It Worth It?
Sala degli Onori @ Triennale di Milano
Path of Life
Urgent Call
Leica Shop @ Strada Maggiore
Full Moon
Mistress Of Puppets
A Cello Player
Intelligence Contest
The Quest for Belgian Chocolate…
Outdoor Aperitif
Frames for Sale at Via Margutta
The BatFire
A butterfly with wings of fire. 火の翼を持つ蝶
Hard Stare
Bad day, or much too bright the sunlight? 付いてない日 又は あまりにも多くの日光
What Could I Do?
Don’t be afraid to do a mistake, but fear its consequences… 失敗を恐れていません でも 結果を恐れて
Why the hell do people attend a live show, when wasting time on their mobile? 人々がコンサートに行きます でも時間を失います携帯電話を使用して、 音楽を聴きません
Alex Britti – Live@Cinema teatro Massimo – Pescara
Another concert, another reportage. これらは マキシム劇場のペスカーラでアレックス Brittiのコンサートの写真です, ローマで ブルースと ポップの 音楽家です.
Avvocati. A New Book
I’ve just finished the project I’ve been working in the past months. Lawyers’ human and private face.
Table Dressing
Nice Drink
Are you Sure?
The Stroller
… I know. The pole has broken the composition. But in street-photography you can’t always choose your point-of-view.