Who The Hell Killed the Light Off?
Lotus Tweak
After the Race
Table Dressing
Nice Drink
Are you Sure?
The Stroller
… I know. The pole has broken the composition. But in street-photography you can’t always choose your point-of-view.
The Porter
The Violinist
Mediterranean Games 2009
Hi-Tech Temptation
Hey Mister!
Different Load
At the theater, between two scenes
Skating at Palais de Tokyo
Underground Security RA(T)P
Home on the Range
Where Did I Left My Car?
The Street Photographer Dilemma: Film or Digital
To me Street-Photography is digital. I missed this shot because I wasn’t able to properly focus my full-manual kit, as I would have do with an average digital camera. There is no point in wasting film in an highly fault-rate activity such as Street Photography.
Dress Different
According to the fashion-photography standards this is a perfectly usable shot. To me, that’s simply a missed photo.