5 (random) frames of Bruxelles with a MIR-1B, a Pentax ME Super and a Kodak TMax400
The late hours of a day are dangerous times, because this is when the mind, lacking tasks, begins to look for a way to keep itself busy. To make a long story short, this is why, against what the common sense would have suggested, I decided to take a stroll in a (very) cold winter evening along and around Avenue Louise in Bruxelles to test a MIR-1B 37/2.8 mounted on a TMAX 400 loaded Pentax ME Super with an M42 adapter. Initially published on As much as this is not a ‘field test’, I was unfair to the lens because I used it in challenging conditions, starting with the…
- Actors, Autumn, B&W, Bruxelles, Colour, Daily photo, Fighters, Fighting Disciplines, Photography, Spring, Summer, Winter
What Does ‘Professional’ Mean in Photography?
Pro’ is the photographer’s blessing and curse. It is the status we all – well, many of us – aspire to. It is the marketing gimmick created by the exploiters of the Gear Acquisition Syndrome to make people believe that tools make the craftsman. ‘Amateur’, on the other hand, is a word associated with casual photographers, ‘wannabe’ artists, and people who want to make you believe that tools make the craftsman. I have always been unconvinced that such a difference exists, at least in the general meaning associated with the words ‘pro’ and ‘amateur’, and in relation to the idea that the equipment used or the quality of the shots…
The Panasonic TZ100 is a very good travel camera. Its one-inch sensor allows a fair balance between performance and portability. Being slightly bigger of trendy smartphones, this camera delivers a way more better results.
Cleaning the Tabernacle
We Are All Made of Stars
Menu Meditation
The Bystander
Intelligence Contest
The Quest for Belgian Chocolate…
Outdoor Aperitif
Traffic Master
Safe Living (?)
Belgian Chocolate – Godiva
The Jewels Sale
Belgian Chocolate – Neuhaus
Glancing Books
Fancy a Beer?
Inside the Palaces of Power – Bruxelles
Sweet Dilemma
Belgian Macarons
Buying Chocolate
Macarons. Again