Daily photo
Out of Focus, again
Again a non intended, out-of-focus image – missed shot, in other words. Nevertheless I like the “visual” effect.
None of Your Business
If you ain’t no time to go to New York, just spend some time in Milan… the feeling is very similar.
The Wild Bunch
Our for shopping at the wrong time!
Walking at Night, in Milan
Good Manners
… comes from childhood
The Naughty Customer’s Place
Remember, next be kind with the waiter!
Pre Colombian Artwork
Not in Mexico, anyway
Out for a While
… or gone forever?
Street Compass Rose
Just in case your GPS was gone…
My fault, but – somehow – I find this picture evocative.
The audience
No, this is not a rock’n’roll concert… definitely.
Lost in mumbling
Barbarians at the Gates
A ghostly bystander
How long was he staying there?
Wave Riders
It was just matter of time before I decided to go video. A lot of work to do before even think of getting some result…
Negrita’s Cover Band
They still need to walk a long, long way before getting in sight of the original Negrita. Nevertheless they have a lot of fun…
Stairway to nothing
Who’s waiting at the end of the stairway?
In a yellowtone…
A true cricket?
Trust me, this is a real photo.
Not stylish, not “clean”, not “intellectual”… but damn fun!!
Didn’t have a wider lens, so I got the most interesting part of the frame…
L’estate sta finendo…
L’estate sta finendo (the Summer is going to end) sang and old Italo Disco tune from The Righeira. The very first sign of Autumn to come is the cleaning and the storing of the beach chairs…
Night Serenade
Is there anything more romantic?
Come on in…
What will you find at the end of the corridor?