Daily photo
Trust Us, We Care About You
This is a close-up of a banner hanging from the Prefecture de police, Paris, Rue de la citè. I don’t know why, but every time I hear a public power saying that he cares about me I feel a bit worried… — This is the Google Map link, currently displaying the complete image, and here is a screen capture, just in case:
Lost in Another World
Still Standing
Zebra Crossing
Street Food in Via Salaria
A Chestnut Maker, making everything ready for another day of hard work.
Shoes’ Meeting in Corso Vittorio
Elder shoes walk slowly, business shoes run fast…
A Toilet of the Court of Rome
This is what you get when you need a toilet in the most important Italian Hall of Justice.
Rush Hours
Morning’s rush hours at Milan, Corso Italia.
Stairway to Nothing
Stand-up, Sugar!
Friendship is Forever
Scarf’s Meeting
The Call
A Silohuette on the Bridge
The Taste Master
Would you like to be in his place… at least once?
Late Afternoon Shopping
Hurry up and shut down the $%&? call!
Windows XVIII … Century
Old windows inside a building at Via del Governo Vecchio, Rome. No, Microsoft wasn’t around just yet…
Almost Spotted
Never been so close to being spotted and, by the stare of the man, confronted, but nothing followed. Will I still be lucky, next time?
An Inside Irongate
Inside and old building, in the heart of Rome.
The Angel Maker
A Master Restorer studio in Vicolo Sforza Cesarini. Is there any place better than Rome for this?
Do Not Disturb the News Reader
Italy, Landscape Photography and the Law – Part Two
In a previous post I addressed some of the legal issues involved in Landscape Photography where copyright was willfully not mentioned: since copyright is an outcome of human creativity who might ever think of imposing it over a landscape? Well, as much as it sounds crazy, somebody did it: on 2o11 the Town of San Quirico d’Orcia, in Tuscany, passed a local regulation that copyrights landscape images and artistic, cultural, environmental and architectural “stuff”, making mandatory pro shooter to ask for an authorization before starting their sessions. This local regulation is simply illegal, because “copyright” implies an act of creativity, while the landscape in itself doesn’t (unless you believe in…